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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 18tgdqcohere, Empirical support: findings of Blackman et al about effects of ELF em fields on vertebrate brain: E= h*f extremely small. E= h_eff*f changes the situation. ???? Dark photons and communications betweeen MB and BB, !Dark matter as hierarchy of h_eff/h_0=n phases of ordinary matter at MB. ???? Number theoretic vision predicts h_eff/h_0=n: dimension of extension of rationals defining adele. IQ., Dark matter as source of macroscopic quantum coherence ???? !Dark matter as hierarchy of h_eff/h_0=n phases of ordinary matter at MB., Dark matter as source of macroscopic quantum coherence ???? Empirical support: findings of Blackman et al about effects of ELF em fields on vertebrate brain: E= h*f extremely small. E= h_eff*f changes the situation., Dark matter as source of macroscopic quantum coherence ???? Gravitational Planck constant by Nottale: hbar_gr= GMm/v_0 = h_eff=n*h_0 charac- terizes flux tubes mediating gravitation, Gravitational Planck constant by Nottale: hbar_gr= GMm/v_0 = h_eff=n*h_0 charac- terizes flux tubes mediating gravitation ???? Biophotons from dark cyclotron photons: h_gr guarantees universal cyclotron energy spectrum E= hbar_gr*eB/m: no dependence on m.